Technical Vocabulary: Types of Visual Aids (figures)
In this lesson we will review terminology related to the different types of visual aids (figures) you might see within an academic or scientific article. This vocabulary is very important for your reading comprehension and manuscript redaction, but also critical if you are preparing for an academic English exam such as the IELTS or TOEFL.
This lesson is part of our upcoming program of English as a Second Language for Health Professionals
MdLanguage: English for Health Professionals is an online course of English as a Second Language focused on the communicational skills required by doctors, nurses, medical technicians, dentists, etc. in their daily professional and academic activities. The student is expected to have a basic or basic-intermediate level of English (A2 or B1) before starting this program. The course will be launched the first week of October, 2021.
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Unlike many other English acquisition programs for specific purposes, we prefer to be fully open and transparent to the public regarding our teaching style and methodologies. Sample classes and practice activities are readily available on our website and throughout our social media outlets for our potential students to decide fully informed if our courses are the best choice for them.
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